Call for papers

Date: July 26th - 27th, 2024

Conference Venue: Ton Duc Thang University

Address: 19 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


The 3rd International Conference on Innovations in the Social Sciences & Humanities (ISSH 2024) is our 3rd international conference after second successful conferences. This conference is organized by University of Melbourne (Australia); Kaunas University Technology (Lithuania); Higher School of Economic (Russia); Jadavpur University (India); London Metropolitan University (UK); Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine (Sri Lanka); and Walailak University (Thailand).

The main topics of the conference include but not limited to:

- Innovations and social change in the global context:

  • Social Structure;
  • Social Development;
  • Migration;
  • New Communications and Media Anthropology;

- Innovations in Tourism:

  • Human and Cultural Resources in Tourism;
  • New Forms of Tourism;
  • Trends in Tourism Management;
  • Digital tourism

- Innovations in Social Work:

  • Training and practicing social work;
  • Social work and service;
  • Social work responses to new social problems.

For any issues or concerns please email:

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission: 15th February 2024.
  • Notification of Paper Acceptance: 15th March 2024.
  • Full Paper Submission: 1st May 2024.
  • Deadline for Registration: 25th May 2024.
  • Conference Date: 26th & 27th of July 2024.

Please submit your full paper to the conference through email:

Conference fee:

  • Authors (Direct): 125 USD/ paper
  • Authors (Mater student/ PhD Candidate): 100 USD/ paper
  • Authors (Student): 60 USD/ paper
  • From Sponsoring Institutions: 50% of Registration fee
  • Co-authors (Direct): 60 USD/ person
  • Listener: free

Publishing Opportunities:

Accepted and presented papers will be published in ISSH 2024 conference proceedings with ISBN publication Index 978-0-9945391-7-5 of ISBN Agency of Australia. The 3rd ISSH 2024 conference proceedings will be submitted for possible indexing in the databases of the ISI/ Scopus.
Web of Science

Expanded papers independent of those published in the 3rd ISSH 2024 conference proceedings (a paper from the conference at 3,000 is expanded with new research to 7,000 or 8,000, depending upon journal), and which meet academic requirements will be submitted to journals such as InterAsia Cultural Studies (ISI) or Social Identities (Scopus) for peer review and publication.
We look forward to receiving your contributions and kindly ask you to disseminate the call to your
colleagues who may be interested in participating the conference.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you need any further information.

ISSH 2024 Organizing committee

Paper format

Submission process and basis for inclusion

  • Authors are invited to submit unpublished, original work as full conference paper of 2,500 to at most 3,000 words including abstract and references.
  • Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title page (including acknowledgements as well as Funding and grant-awarding bodies); abstract; keywords; main text; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figure caption(s) (as a list).
  • Abstracts of approximately 200 words are required for all manuscripts submitted.
  • Each manuscript should include 5 to 6 keywords listed in alphabetical order.
  • Editorial Procedures Selected conference papers will be considered for publication in special issues of journals such as Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS), ISSN - 14649373, 14698447, ISI indexed journal or Social Identities - Scopus index ISSN: 1350-4630
  • Conference languages: English
  • All submitted abstracts/ papers will go through a blind peer review process and those accepted will be published in conference proceedings.
  • Only contributions meeting the following requirements can be considered: or
  • Overview essay (your own scientific review or reflections), not necessarily based on original research, but with scholarly value. The structure of a given article is not strictly specified;
  • Original scientific articles based on your own research, which contain all parts of a scientific article (introduction, theoretical framing, objectives and methodology, results, discussion, conclusion),
  • The article is original and has not yet been published
  • The author has the copyright including the permission to use it freely.

1. The structure of a contribution

  • The structure of a contribution for acceptance is binding, namely in the following form:
  • Title of the contribution
  • Name of the author and co-author(s) (without academic degree titles)
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Actual text of the contribution (shall correspond to the structure of a scientific article with
  • following chapters: introduction, theoretical background/ Literature review, methodology, data description, results and discussion, conclusion)
  • Acknowledgment (If any)
  • List of references
  • Contact Information (Name of author (s), academic titles, Institution, Address of institution, Email plus Skype/Zalo/Facebook/Line/…*(*only for contacting))

2 Instructions for writing a contribution

2.1 General specifications

  • Paper Length: Maximum size of the manuscript is 8-10 pages (format A4); between 2,50 and at most 3,500 words are preferred.
  • Text: The paper must be written in English, A4 paper, Times New Roman, Size 12pt, line spacing: 1.5 lines, After 0pt, before 6pt, left aligned.
  • Margins: The margins must be formatted to 0.98” on all sides of the paper.

2.2 Title, Authors, Key words, Abstract, Main text

  • Title: Times New Roman, Size 16, Single-space + After 10pt, CAPTIAL+Bold
  • Authors: Times New Roman, Size 14, Single-space After 10pt, Bold, Center. The authors’ name should include first and last name of author.
  • Abstract: does not exceed 200 words, summarising your problems and findings. Times New Roman, Size 12, line spacing: 1.5 lines, After 0pt, before 0pt, left aligned.
  • Keywords: (from 4 to 6 keywords) Times New Roman, Size 12, Single-space + line spacing: 1.5 lines, After 0pt, before 6pt, left aligned.
  • Main text: Times New Roman, 12 pt. , alignment left, line spacing: 1.5 lines, After 0pt, before 6pt, left aligned, ise & isa spellings. Quotations in 'single quotes unless having and "internal" quote, then its double' (Surname, year, page).

2.3 Headings

  • Headings should be used up to third level heading.
  • Heading 1: Times New Roman; 14 pt.; CAPTIAL+Bold; for example, FIRST-LEVEL HEADING
  • Heading 2: Times New Roman; 12 pt.; Bold; for example, Second-level Heading
  • Heading 3: Times New Roman; 12 pt.; Italic, Bold; for example, Third-level Heading

2.4 Tables and Figures
Tab.1 and Fig. 1 for a table or figure and the source should follow. Please note where the image or table should go in the text, and include the image in a separate page at the end as single image art (ie a jpeg or screenshot). Images and tables must be single files, with no
internal formatting nor in any way embedded in the text except 'in-line'. The list of references should be complete and accurate. For each work shown in the list of references, which must be a reference in the text.

2.5 References: Please avoid or remove any citation formatting software rules to allow copyediting. First and last name of author, no academic titles (Times New Roman, 12 pt., spacing 1.5) Institution, use the author/date system (surname, year, page).

  • References should be typed* and arranged in alphabetical order and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letter “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., placed after the year of publication.
  • Authors are required to complete the reference in a list of literature used with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if it has been assigned to the publication. To search for the DOI, please visit:
  • Citations in the text and the list of references should follow the 'Harvard' referencing style which is (Surname, Year, page). Details concerning this referencing style can be found at:
  • The list of references must have no formatting software, follow the Harvard author-date system (Surname, year, page).

2.6 Checklist for review process:

Are the theme and the character of the contribution in accordance with the overall topic of the conference

  • Does the formal treatment of the contribution meet the requirements of the prescribed formatting and the sequence of its individual parts?
  • Are the language use and the style of the contribution adequate?
  • Are citations and list of the used literature arranged properly and according to existing
  • standards?
  • Based on editor’s positive review, the contribution proceeds to the peer review process.
  • Editors have the right to reject contributions that do not meet the above criteria. The publication of a contribution must be recommended by at least two independent reviewers.
  • The evaluation may also address the following criteria:
  • Is the theme of the contribution relevant and of interest for specialized readers?
  • Do the formulation of the title and the abstract correspond to the actual content of
  • the contribution?
  • Are the goals of the contribution appropriately set out and clearly formulated?
  • Is the theoretical argument of the contribution appropriate and suitably articulated?
  • Are appropriate research methods employed for dealing with the issue?